
Beneficiaries: 20


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The main objective of the investment project is to develop a replicable and scalable model that utilizes agricultural, forestry by-products, and livestock waste for sustainable energy generation, benefiting residences and companies in the territory. The project involves collaboration among various stakeholders, including five municipalities, a university, departments, companies specializing in biogas/biomass plants, trade associations, local farmers, citizens, and others. Key achievements include defining current land use, assessing energy potential from agricultural and forestry waste, and establishing the agro-energy supply chain. Additionally, the project identifies the number of plants to be built for energy sharing and establishes Renewable Energy Communities (CER). With investments totaling approximately 31 million euros, the project aims to generate around 18 GWh of renewable electricity.


Borgo San Dalmazzo (Grouping)

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The investment project outlines a series of interventions aimed at boosting electricity production from renewable sources to facilitate sustainable mobility. Firstly, it involves the installation of integrated photovoltaic systems in 95 buildings owned by the 6 municipalities. These systems, with an installed capacity of about 5.3 MWp, will be integrated into Renewable Energy Communities. Additionally, photovoltaic systems will be integrated into private buildings, SMEs, religious bodies, third sector organizations, and associations, totaling an installed capacity of about 17.5 MWp, also integrated into the Renewable Energy Communities. Furthermore, the project includes the construction of a hydrogen-fueled TIR refueling station in the municipality of Borgo San Dalmazzo, complete with an electrolyser and a 750 kWp PV plant. Additionally, it entails the replacement of 3 heavy diesel vehicles currently used by companies in the area for transporting goods and products between industrial plants and warehouses with hydrogen vehicles. Moreover, the project aims to replace the vehicle fleet of the six municipalities with 30 new electric vehicles integrated into a car-sharing service.


Castel San Pietro Terme

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The project's primary objective is to implement an investment plan, envisioning a public-private partnership for initial investments totaling €6.9 million and the establishment of mobility services with an annual cost of €915,000. This initiative is designed to enhance sustainable mobility in the Area Produttiva Ecologicamente Attrezzata - APEA San Carlo, focusing on soft mobility infrastructure and services for employees, including Local Public Transport subscriptions, car-sharing, and bike-sharing. The concept aims to ascertain companies' contributions to co-finance sustainable mobility services for their employees. The goal is to determine the costs each company should allocate per employee in the industrial area, facilitating the identification of a sustainable mobility operator to provide services for the entire industrial area.


Comune di Assisi

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The aim is to achieve the ambitious targets of SECAP by involving stakeholders and facilitating the planned actions. The investment project primarily targets citizens and private stakeholders but is rooted in strong public support. It involves extensive refurbishment of residential buildings, including renovation of the building envelope and technological transition of fossil fuel heating systems, aiming to achieve significant energy savings. Additionally, the project entails a notable increase in renewable energy production through the installation of new photovoltaic systems on roofs of public and private buildings. A key aspect is the creation of the first renewable energy community within the municipal territory to mitigate emissions from tourist and citizen influx in the historic center. This involves supplying energy produced in the industrial and commercial area to residential buildings, hotels, commercial establishments, and municipal buildings. Concrete actions include establishing a citizen's energy desk to provide technical and practical support, organizing awareness conferences and thematic workshops, and driving efforts to enhance building efficiency and foster the formation of energy communities.


Isola Vicentina

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The intervention aims to act on one of the sectors most known for its high emission in the territorial context under study: the residential sector. The projects sees the involvement of the public institutions and citizenry that, through an innovative WebGIS system, will increase awareness with respect to the impact of their housing on the environment. Thanks to the intervention of ESCOs (already interested in the project) it will be possible to make these properties more efficient. There will be a significant improvement in terms of both reduced consumption and reduction of emissions.


Milan Municipality

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The investment concept for the cultural district "Fabbrica del Vapore" focuses on decarbonizing thermal and electricity usage while maximizing renewable electricity production. This entails several key initiatives. First, replacing gas generators with electric groundwater heat pumps and adopting building automation solutions to monitor temperature levels and regulate heat supply and ventilation centrally. Second, installing low transmittance windows for the Cathedral to improve energy efficiency and enhance summer comfort. Third, upgrading lighting systems by replacing fluorescent and metal halide lamps with LED lamps equipped with regulation systems based on natural light access. Lastly, installing photovoltaic panels, including colored modules and tiles, on the roofs of three buildings while adhering to cultural heritage preservation guidelines. These measures aim to enhance comfort and the overall experience for visitors, staff, and concessionaires within the cultural district while promoting social inclusion through non-profit organizations.



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The project has facilitated the development of an investment plan for three municipalities. Pinerolo, owning more than 50 buildings, will invest in 25 of them, including 18 schools. The estimated investment is mobilized over a 13-year Energy Performance Contract (EPC) with private investors. Another municipality, None, owns fewer buildings but with similar needs. It also has over 1200 street lamps requiring re-qualification. None plans to utilize a mix of resources, including public and non-repayable funds (e.g., PNRR call for school buildings’ demolition and reconstruction, regional funds for energy re-qualification) and private funds (CONSIP convention for street lighting, EPC for Town Hall and a school). The investment in None covers street lighting, EPC for buildings, and demolition and reconstruction of a school (public fund-PNRR). Pomaretto, the smallest municipality, aims to boost renewable energy production through the establishment of energy communities, mobilizing private investments. The investment focuses on a hydroelectric power plant and will be implemented through an EPC.


Ravenna (Alfonsine)

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The aim of the project is to test a first large-scale investment in the Municipality of Ravenna, innovating the existing practice in the field of energy efficiency in buildings. The concept identifies 11 school buildings and 3 innovative installations. They were selected according to a set of priority intervention criteria. The feasibility of the investment, as assessed by the expert work group, is ensured by access to non-repayable contributions (at least 60%). This precondition makes the investment manageable with an energy performance contract.


Reggio Emilia

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The primary objective of the planned investment is to enhance the local biogas supply chain, thereby improving the sustainability and energy efficiency of the territory. The project focuses on increasing the energy efficiency of five anaerobic digestion plants that produce biogas for electrical energy, utilizing livestock effluents, agro-industrial by-products, and other organic biomasses from the area. It aims to deepen the technical and economic feasibility of converting these installations into biomethane-producing plants. This involves utilizing innovative Power-to-Gas technology, including electrolyzers for renewable hydrogen generation and chemical methanation reactors, to produce biomethane from agricultural biomasses and unexploited carbon dioxide (CO2) present in the biogas. By integrating commercially available technologies, such as biogas purification and upgrade technologies, the project seeks to develop a flexible system that enhances energy production and storage while reducing CO2 emissions compared to fossil fuel utilization. Ultimately, this investment will support biogas plant owner-operators in upgrading their facilities to produce more renewable energy.


Unione della Romagna Faentina (URF) (Public entity)

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The primary objective of the project is to furnish the Union with a comprehensive overview of energy efficiency measures viable for implementation across public buildings within municipal territories. This includes the installation of photovoltaic systems, potentially facilitating configurations for Renewable Energy Communities and other forms of self-consumption of renewable energy as per Directive (EU) 2018/2001 and D.lgs. n. 199/21 (Italian provision implementing the Directive (UE) 2018/2001). Additionally, the project entails studies on the location and power requirements for installing electric charging stations, aiming to promote sustainable mobility within the Union. Two financing scenarios have been outlined. Scenario 1 entails the initial investment being fully financed by the Union/individual municipalities using their own resources. In Scenario 2, the Municipality would cover up to 35% of the investment through its own means (loan or non-repayable grants), with the remaining 65% co-financed by an Energy Service Company (ESCO) through an Energy Performance Contract (EPC) tender.


Unione dei Comuni Valli del Reno, Lavino e Samoggia (Public entity)

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The primary objective of the project is to pioneer a large-scale investment concept for the Municipalities of the Union of Valli del Reno, Lavino, and Samoggia. This involves innovating existing practices on energy efficiency in buildings, prioritizing interventions based on specific criteria. The project aims to conduct studies for interventions on 20 public buildings, 5 public parking lots, and 2 public areas located within industrial zones. Two scenarios have been proposed for financing the investment: in the first scenario, the Municipality would fully finance the investment through its own resources, potentially aided by a bank loan from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. In the second scenario, the Municipality would cover 40% of the investment, while the remaining 60% would be co-financed by an Energy Service Company (ESCO) through an Energy Performance Contract (EPC) tender. Feasibility relies on access to non-repayable grants (at least 40%), making the investment manageable with an EPC. Additionally, the project aims to establish Renewable Energy Communities, offering potential benefits through the sharing of excess energy produced.


Valbelluna Community (Grouping)

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The proposed Investment Concept (IC) has been jointly initiated by five municipalities in the Valbelluna area. It entails preparatory measures for establishing and launching an inter-municipal one-stop-shop (OSS) service aimed at facilitating interventions and investments in energy efficiency and renewable sources. The service will directly involve local communities and collaborate with key stakeholders. Once operational, the OSS service will act as a central reference point for addressing climate change and energy transition at the local level and encourage collaboration among municipalities to develop comprehensive energy strategies for the wider area. The IC primarily focuses on setting up and organizing the operational aspects of the OSS service, including estimating the required technical and financial resources, scheduling, and launching the initial phase. This phase, spanning approximately 2.5 years (2023-2025), will concentrate on promoting the OSS service to garner support and credibility within local communities, establishing trust in the service through front-office activities and engagement, and designing a sustainable governance model to ensure the service's long-term economic viability.