The online application form is integrated in the EUCF website user zone and accessible for applicants who have successfully completed the eligibility check. After the eligibility check, eligible applicants receive login details to the EUCF website user zone. Potential applicants can take a look at the questions of the application form in advance in the EUCF website.
The application form consists of a set of questions, grouped into four sections. For each of the sections, the following information has to be provided in English language by the applicant:
1. Identification of the applicant
This section comprises general information about the applicant, such as the type of applicant, contact details and contact persons as well as Local Administrative Units (LAU) and Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) 3 codes. For groupings, the name of the lead applicant as well as the LAU and NUTS 3 codes of each participating municipality/local authority have to be provided. As LAU and NUTS3 codes are not available for municipalities/local authorities from Ukraine, Ukrainian applicants must select the administrative subdivision applying from the national system of regional and territorial statistics.
In case of local public entities aggregating municipalities/local authorities, the NUTS 3 area code in which the entity is located must be provided as well as the tax identification number or equivalent. Moreover, this section also includes the total population size (absolute number, not displayed as thousands or millions) of the municipality/local authority, grouping or of the area covered by the local public entity aggregating municipalities/local authorities needs to be stated in this section.
2. Political commitments
In this section, the applicant is required to upload the two supporting documents to the EUCF application: the SECAP or other local climate and/or energy plan with mitigation targets and the letter of political support signed by the Mayor or other relevant political representative. Applicants are required to provide some general information about the submitted plan, such as its title, the timeframe covered and a brief description. Moreover, they must indicate in a table the key targets established in the submitted plan in terms of energy savings, renewable energy production and/or GHG emissions reduction. Other targets can also be indicated.
Beneficiaries from previous EUCF calls are not able to participate again in the calls for applications. In this section, applicants are required to confirm not to have benefited from EUCF support in previous calls for applications.
For local public entities aggregating municipalities/local authorities, this section also includes a check on the specific eligibility criteria applying.
3. Proposed investment project
In this section, information has to be provided on the proposed investment project which an investment concept should be developed within the EUCF. The requirements for this section are described more in detail in the following table:
Item | Requirement |
3.1 | Title of the proposed investment concept |
3.2 | Project description and objectives The applicant is required to briefly describe the proposed investment project, its relevance for the municipality/local authority, grouping or local public entity aggregating municipalities/local authorities and the main objectives to be achieved with its implementation. |
3.2 | Implementation period The applicant is required to state in months the period foreseen for the implementation of the proposed investment project after the development of the investment concept. This refers to theperiod during which the investment project is to be carried out and put into action. The implementation phase is concluded once the proposed project is commissioned and operation can start. |
3.3 | Main investment sector targeted The applicant is required to indicate the main sector targeted by the proposed investment project. The applicant can select one from the options below as well as specify another targeted sector, if necessary:
3.5 | Governance structure for investment concept development The applicant must describe the internal organisational structure for the development of the investment concept. The provided information should allow for an overview of the governance structure and internal capacities of the applicant, specifying the roles and responsibilities of the actors involved and how decisions are made within the organisation. Moreover, applicants must indicate the need for further support from external experts and how they can contribute to the development of the investment concept. In case of groupings, the description of the governance structure is particularly important to clarify how the grouping is organised internally and how responsibilities are distributed and decisions are made. |
3.6 | Strategy for stakeholders’ engagement The applicant must describe the most relevant external stakeholders for the planned investment project, indicating their needs and expectations towards it. The provided answer should also include an overview of the activities and communication tools planned to engage the described stakeholders in the process of developing the investment concept, with the corresponding timing and objectives of each action. |
3.7 | Intended measures This section includes a table to be filled by the applicant stating the foreseen technology measures to be financed with the investment concept as well as their corresponding investment sector, investment costs (CAPEX) and associated expected impacts in terms of energy savings (GWh/y), renewable energy production (GWh/y) and/or greenhouse gas emissions reduction (in tCO2eq/y). The implementation of the measures should be foreseen to be undertaken within the implementation period indicated in item 3.3. |
3.8 | Expected size of investment In this item the total investment costs (EUR) indicated for the intended measures described in 3.7 are summarized. To adjust the figure, applicants must make the corresponding adjustments to the individual investment costs provided in 3.7. |
3.9 | Expected impacts In this item the total impacts indicated for the intended measures described in 3.7 are summarized. It includes the total expected impacts in energy savings (GWh/y), renewable energy generation (GWh/y) and/or greenhouse gas emissions reduction (in tCO2eq/y). To adjust these impact figures, applicants must make the corresponding adjustments to the individual impacts per measure provided in 3.7. Additionally, applicants can also outline if any initial estimations for other impacts, such as job creation, reduction of air pollution, etc, have already been made. |
3.10 | Potential for replication and/or up-scaling Applicants are required to explain how the investment project could potentially be replicated in other contexts and/or upscaled. |
4. Use of EUCF support
In this section, applicants are required to indicate, for monitoring purposes only, the activities for which the EUCF grant is needed and whether the application has been prepared by the applicant municipality/local authority, grouping or local public entity aggregating municipalities/local authorities employing internal capacities or by an external expert/consultant.
It is mandatory to complete the EUCF application form in English. Applications filled in a different language cannot be considered for the evaluation. Regarding the supporting documents required for the EUCF application, the SECAP or other local climate and/or energy plan can be submitted in the respective national language. The letter of political support to the development of the investment concept must also be submitted in English.
The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) is a territorial classification that subdivides the territory of the European Union, the UK and the EEA-EFTA States into three different hierarchical levels (NUTS 1, NUTS 2 and NUTS 3) for statistical and planning purposes. The NUTS 3 classification corresponds to small regions for specific diagnoses at regional level.
Concerning the local level, a system of Local Administrative Units (LAUs) is maintained in compatibility with the NUTS system. LAUs are subdivisions of the NUTS 3 regions, covering the entire economic territory of each EU-27 Member State and Iceland.
The respective NUTS 3 and LAU codes can be found on a yearly updated list, available on the Eurostat website. The most recent (validated) LAU code at the moment of writing these Guidelines applies, which is included in the LAU-NUTS table 2019 for all eligible countries (except Ukraine). For Ukraine, the most recent version of the National Statistics Unit at the moment of writing these Guidelines applies.
For municipalities/local authorities and groupings from all eligible countries but Ukraine, the NUTS 3 codes can be selected from a drop-down list in the application form and the corresponding LAU codes are assigned automatically based on the postal codes provided.
For municipalities/local authorities and groupings in Ukraine, the “Raions” code can be selected from a drop-down list in the application form and the corresponding local codes appear for selection.
Local public entities aggregating municipalities/local authorities must indicate through the drop-down list the NUTS 3 area code in which they are located. The NUTS 3 code is only asked for statistical reasons. Local public entities located in Ukraine must select the corresponding “Raions” code from the drop-down menu.
The table below presents the investment sectors that can be targeted in the EUCF application including a description of each sector and examples of intended measures they encompass:
Investment sector | Description | Intended measures |
Public buildings (incl. social-rental and public housing) | Measures aimed at improving energy efficiency in public buildings through the reduction of energy use for heating and cooling, ventilation, lighting and hot water demands as well as reducing electricity consumption of equipment and appliances. Public buildings are those owned by the municipality, including schools, community centres, libraries, courts, information centres and government buildings as well social-rental and public housing. | Renovation of public buildings, including measures such as:
Private non-residential buildings | Measures aimed at improving energy efficiency in private non-residential buildings through the reduction of energy use for heating and cooling, ventilation, lighting and hot water demands as well as reducing electricity consumption of equipment and appliances. Private non-residential buildings are those owned by a private person and wherein no portion occupied or used for human habitation, i.e. buildings used for commercial and industrial purposes. | Renovation of private non-residential buildings, including measures such as:
Private residential buildings | Measures aimed at improving energy efficiency in private residential buildings through the reduction of energy use for heating and cooling, ventilation, lighting and hot water demands as well as reducing electricity consumption of equipment and appliances. Private residential buildings are those owned by a private person and which provide for dwelling purposes. Residential buildings are used for housing and include the necessary facilities and utilities to satisfy the living requirements of its residents. | Renovation of private residential buildings, including measures such as:
Building integrated renewables | Solutions aimed at integrating renewable energy systems, such as solar photovoltaics and solar thermal collectors or biomass plants, into the building in order to produce renewable energy and reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions across the building lifecycle. |
District heating and cooling networks | Any measures aimed at improving the efficiency of district heating and cooling networks and integrating low-carbon energy sources into the heating and cooling energy mix. |
Sustainable urban mobility | Measures aimed at reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the local transportation and mobility sector. Sustainable urban mobility measures contribute to reducing the environmental footprint of transportation activities and have a positive effect on society, reducing traffic congestion and air pollution and improving access to public transport and sustainable and/or non- motorized transport modes |
Innovative energy infrastructure | Innovative energy technologies and implementation schemes designed to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy production |
Renewable energy production infrastructure | Measures aimed at the renovation of existing infrastructure or development and implementation of new infrastructure for the production of renewable energy. Renewable energy is energy from renewable resources that are naturally replenished, such as bioenergy, geothermal energy, hydrogen, marine energy, solar energy and wind energy | Installation of renewable energy production systems, such as:
Public lighting | Measures aimed at improving energy efficiency in public and street lighting systems. Reliable public lighting technologies can contribute to reducing accidents and crimes, allowing for economic activities to take place during the evening as well as reduce energy consumption and operation and maintenance costs. |
The EUCF is aligned with the EIB energy lending policy adopted in November 2019. Consequently, investments in energy projects reliant on unabated fossil fuels are not supported. See also section 1.3.5 for more information.
The expected energy savings and/or renewable energy production of the proposed investment project must be specified by the applicant in the table in item 3.7 of the application according to the intended measures to be implemented. For each measure listed in the table, the applicant must state the corresponding impacts in terms of energy savings and/or renewable energy generation. The total impacts of the project are calculated in item 3.9 of the application form as the sum of individual energy savings and renewable energy production per intended measure listed in the table. In the evaluation process, the level of ambition of the expected energy savings and/or renewable energy production generated by the planned investment project is assessed relation to the other submitted applications in the regional call. Additionally, also the overall coherence and plausibility of the elements is assessed.
Investment projects focused on energy efficiency measures will be appreciated in the evaluation, i.e. projects with the majority of impacts in energy savings (higher than 50% of the total impacts in energy savings and renewable energy production) as well as projects that include substantial measures aimed at energy efficiency, even if those do not correspond to the majority of impacts.
The expected energy savings and/or renewable energy production of the proposed investment project must be specified by the applicant in the table in item 3.7 of the application according to the intended measures to be implemented. For each measure listed in the table, the applicant must state in GWh/y the corresponding impacts in terms of energy savings and/or renewable energy generation. The total impacts of the project are calculated in item 3.9 of the application form as the sum of individual energy savings and renewable energy production per intended measure listed in the table. In the evaluation process, the level of ambition of the expected energy savings and/or renewable energy production generated by the planned investment project is assessed relation to the other submitted applications in the regional call. Additionally, also the overall coherence and plausibility of the elements is assessed.
Investment projects focused on energy efficiency measures will be appreciated in the evaluation, i.e. projects with the majority of impacts in energy savings (higher than 50% of the total impacts in energy savings and renewable energy production) as well as projects that include substantial measures aimed at energy efficiency, even if those do not correspond to the majority of impacts.
If available at this stage, applicants can state in the application form further impacts expected from the proposed investment project. In the table in item 3.7 – where intended measures and corresponding their investment sectors, expected impacts and investment costs must be indicated – applicants can also state foreseen reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in tCO2eq/y per individual measure. Additionally, further impacts - such as job creation, pollution reduction, improvement of life quality, citizen engagement, etc – can also be described by the applicant in item 3.9.
In case specific values for the investment size and energy savings/renewable energy production cannot be determined yet, the applicant can use approximate values instead, which still allows the EUCF evaluation team to understand the level of ambition of the proposed investment project and its potential impacts. Any comments on the values, assumptions and calculations can be added in the comments section of item 3.7 of the application form.
Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) or other local climate and/or energy plan with mitigation targets
A SECAP or another local climate and/or energy plan with mitigation targets must be submitted together with the application form to show that the municipality/local authority, grouping of municipalities/local authorities or local public entity aggregating municipalities/local authorities already has an overall climate/energy strategy in place.
The SECAP is a key document that describes how GHG emissions can be reduced so as to reach climate neutrality by 2050. More information about it can be found on the Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy website.
In case the applicant does not have a SECAP in place, another local climate and/or energy plan with mitigation targets can be submitted. For the EUCF application, the submitted plan must include at least one mitigation target, which must be stated and referenced by the applicant in the corresponding section of the application form. Different mitigation targets can be considered, such as energy savings, renewable energy production and greenhouse gas emissions reductions. Other mitigation targets can also be specified by the applicant, if preferred. The submitted local climate and/or energy plan must cover the entire geographic area of the municipality/local authority, lead applicant of a grouping or grouping itself or local public entity aggregating municipalities/local authorities.
The SECAP or other local climate and/or energy plan with mitigation targets can be submitted in national language. Therefore, for the evaluation, it is important that the applicant fills correctly in the information required about the submitted plan in English in the application form.
The table below summarizes the requirements for the respective supporting documents to be submitted with the EUCF application:
Mandatory Annex | Requirements |
Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) or other local climate and/or energy plan with mitigation targets (to be submitted in PDF) |
Letter of support to the development of the investment concept (to be submitted in PDF) |
In the application form, applicants are required to provide some general information about the submitted plan, including: the title of the plan, the time period it covers and a brief description of its geographical scope, overall objectives and focus areas. In case the document of the plan cannot be submitted, applicants can also provide a link to access it online. Additionally, applicants are required to provide at least one mitigation target established by the plan, specifying its target value, unit, target year and the page number of the submitted document where the target can be found. Applicants can specify targets in terms of energy savings, renewable energy generation and/or greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Other targets can also be added in the last row of the table, if preferred.
For the application to be considered for EUCF support, both supporting documents must be submitted by the applicant in the EUCF website user zone: The Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) or other local energy and/or climate plan with mitigation targets; and the letter of support to the project by the Mayor or another relevant political representative. For the submission of the letter of support, the template provided by the EUCF must be used.
No. The mandatory supporting documents to the EUCF application – i.e. the SECAP or other local climate and/or energy plan with mitigation targets and the letter of political support – must be mandatorily submitted in the EUCF website user zone during the application period. Supporting documents shared per e-mail with the EUCF Team cannot be considered in the evaluation.
No. Applications for the EUCF will only be accepted while call is open. Supporting documents must be mandatorily submitted with the application form in the EUCF website user zone during the application period. After the respective call is closed, applications and supporting documents can no longer be submitted in the EUCF website user zone.
It is possible to submit the SECAP or other local climate and/or energy plan with mitigation targets in national language. The letter of support to the development of the investment concept must be submitted in English language. The use of the template is mandatory for the submission and this is available for download in the EUCF website.